Smartwatch Insurance

A watch used to tell the time, and if it was super-special, the date too. Nowadays, your wrist deserves a far better companion, one that can perform a ton of novel tricks that'll keep you entertained for hours. Trouble is, while the smartwatch may be a genius, it's also a fragile beast. Smarten up and get it protected.

Here for those Oh No! Moments

  • They're expensive to replace

    An Apple Watch can cost over £600. Monthly insurance premiums can cost just a few pounds.
  • Missing in action

    The classic case of the smartwatch taken from your gym locker. Even Miss Marple can't solve that one.
  • They go all dumb on you

    Frozen screens. Blank screens. Nothing to see here.
  • You can cover them overseas

    Holiday hazards lurk everywhere. Can you really afford to be without cover?

Why use Protect Your Gadget?

So you've gone and got yourself a smartwatch. Good choice. All you need now is a super smartwatch insurance policy to protect it. You've invested a lot of money in a watch that will pretty much run your entire life for you. It'll help you meet your fitness goals, add songs to your playlist (check out the Shazam app, it's shamazing), let you read your text messages, some of them even let you pay for stuff FROM YOUR WRIST. Ten years ago that would've sounded absolutely bonkers but, hey, it's genius! They're game changers for many people, so it's well worth taking out some smart watch insurance to make sure you're covered if something should go wrong. And things do go wrong.

It doesn't matter how much your smart watch cost to buy, once you get one on your wrist, they're addictive. Could you cope if you didn't know how many steps you'd taken today, or couldn't sneak a look at your text messages during a boring meeting on a Monday morning? And not forgetting the obvious - actually see what time it is! OK, so you probably could, but you wouldn't want to.

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"Cras sollicitudin porta nisi a varius. Aenean nec erat consequat, viverra arcu vitae, tempus diam. Morbi varius velit quis diam lacinia, dictum vehicula mi facilisis. Vivamus nec ultrices ligula, a tristique velit. Cras ut quam sit amet turpis frin gilla dignissim."

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Common Questions

  • 1.Will I be covered for liquid damage?

    In a word – yes. All polices from Protect Your Gadget cover liquid damage as standard.

  • 2.What if the damage to my smartwatch is cosmetic but it still works?

    Cover is only provided in cases where a watch is damaged to the point where routine functionality has been lost. If it is dented or scratched, for example, but still works as expected then repair or replacement will not be provided.

  • 3.My smartwatch is still under warranty. Why do I need separate cover?

    While you may get 12 months of cover under a manufacturer's warranty - which covers you for mechanical breakdowns - you won't be covered during those 12 months for cracked screens, liquid damage, loss, accidental damage or theft. Even extended warranties generally don't cover these events.

You Get Covered.
They Get Connected.

Sed aliquet suscipit nulla. Donec vitae lacus era feuis eleifend sapien et facilisis consequ lass aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenae uis mattis diam arcu, eget aliquam orci iaculis et. Cura bitur et turpis metus. Phasellus ullamcorper quam ante, non viverra enim blandit tempor. Vestibulum dolor mi, lobortis non congue eleifend, interdum et elit. Aenean vel justo elit.

Proin non porta magna, a aliquam nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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Like what you see? Get an smart watch insurance quote.

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Got other tech too? Get value for money

We know some of you are teched up to the eyeballs. Buying a multi-gadget policy can cost less than insuring everything separately.So you may want to look into this before you opt for smart watch insurance.

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